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Paid Search Advertising: Why You Should Invest & How to Get Started

By: Alyssa Dannaker

If your B2B company doesn’t already make use of it, paid search advertising can seem like an intimidating investment. But the technology of today has made paid search a simple and highly optimized tool to add to your repertoire of search engine marketing (SEM) tactics. Use this blog as a brief guide on the measurable benefits of paid search and how to best use it to obtain great results.

Be a Leader in an Increasingly Competitive Space

When you take advantage of paid search advertising, you’re showcasing your business to online users who may not have thought to search for your company in the first place. This is one of the reasons why the advertisements you choose to place online should put your best foot forward in terms of design and calls-to-action. But an ad campaign does more than raise brand awareness – it also drives real traffic to your website, leading to more conversions.

Although paid search advertising does not affect your organic ranking on search engines, it does indirectly affect your online status. By establishing a strong online presence, you’re positioning your company as a contender in a highly competitive space, indicating to leads that you’re serious about the business you’re in.

Pro-Tip: Build a good list of paid ad keywords to get noticed by the right prospects and invest in retargeting ads to build recall and increase engagement.

Get More Immediate Results with a Smaller Investment

With a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model, you’ll only pay for the clicks your ads garner; the money you invest in paid search nearly translates to the cost of a qualified lead. Paid search programs like Google Ads let you distribute your budget to various keyword matches, track your spend and easily monitor the results. You can always check in with your campaign to tweak budget allocations and ad options to see instant change and ROI.

While content marketing and other digital marketing techniques require larger time investments – time to plan, create, launch and see ongoing results – paid search is one path to new customers that offers almost immediate results.

Pro-Tip: Use paid search in conjunction with long-term marketing campaigns to make the most of the tools available to your business by your marketing agency.

More Tips to Make the Most of Paid Search

  1. Establish a reasonable budget and duration for your ad campaign
  2. Create a negative keywords list in addition to desired matched keywords
  3. Design ads that are clear, concise and fit the look and feel of your other marketing assets
  4. Ensure clicked ads lead to the appropriate page containing the expected information
  5. Target ads to specific geographic locations to pull in your preferred audiences
  6. Install tracking codes on your website to view the value of your SEM efforts
  7. Pay attention to analytics during and after your campaign to adjust for your next

Are you convinced of the benefits of paid search? Download our eBook: 5 Reasons to Use Paid Search Advertising to learn more ways this SEM tactic can bring in qualified leads.

Download Ebook

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